Kate is six months and we love her more and more every day. She lights up with just a glance out of the corner of your eye.... meaning it doesn't take much to get her to smile and she loves any attention. Her nature is to be happy; the first few months I wasn't sure of that but I believe it now. She has the brightest twinkle in her eye and a face that radiates sunshine. Kate absolutely adores Capri. I have thought multiple times that Kate must remember their relationship from the preexistence, there is no other way to describe the excitement Kate has for Capri when they are in the same room. It is the sweetest thing to watch but also painful because Capri doesn't pay near enough attention to Kate for how much she adores Capri! Kate is wearing 9 month clothing and I think 12 month size is just days away. She is one lovable chunk! She is a fabulous eater and finds her green vegetables to be delectable. Veggie straws might as well be french fries, she two fists those things! I am pretty impressed with her ability to pick up the tiny yogurt melts and cereal puffs this past month. We definitely started feeding her food earlier than Capri, but she was ready and obviously loves it! I'm pretty sure Kate's big belly helped her to sit up as early as she did, she had that mastered in her 4th month. Kate scoots backwards and turns herself around; hopefully this month she'll figure out how to move forward because I hate seeing her so dang frustrated! I'm a total softy, we need to spend more time on the ground without me rescuing her.
I'm not sure if it's this humid Houston weather, but Kate is my sticky baby. I feel like no matter what she is always a bit sweaty! Kate thinks she's pretty hilarious when she kicks her feet and rocks herself in the RockNplay bed. She even pulls herself up to a sitting position, probably time to retire it. Sleeping is so much easier with Kate than it was with baby Capri (and still is)! She falls asleep on her own
most of the time; as soon as her blanket touches her face her eyes are closed. My two favorite things right now are 1. that she puts in her own pacifier (so nice while you are driving) and 2. how much she loves to use her voice and communicate. Watching her try to imitate, coo, sing, or make noise in general is so fun!
Happy Half Birthday Baby Girl!