We are leaving California this weekend so we had to get one more Chiropractor visit in before we left. Capri has seen the Chiropractor about ten times and I feel like the visits have helped so much with her colic, sleeping, and spitting up. When Capri was about 7 weeks old I was reading up on Colic wondering if there was anything out there that helped. I came across a couple articles and comments about chiropractic work, but knew that could get expensive and didn't know where to start searching for a chiropractor that works on babies. The very next day Landon and I were on a walk and saw our friends Steve & Ashley throwing a ball outside our apartment with friends. We went over to say hello and they introduced us to Marc & Cassey. Marc told me he was a graduating chiropractic school in a few months and worked at the clinic next door. When I asked if he worked on babies he said that he was specializing in pediatrics...... yes, it was an answer to my prayer. I am so grateful for the progress Capri has made, she is a different baby! Every visit Capri has a full diaper and an awesome nap shortly after leaving. Dr. Waters in the Clinician and LOVES Capri, he gets the best smiles out of her and she is so entertained by him (the picture doesn't show it, but believe me she gets a kick out of him!) Capri has gone several days without a melt down and is starting to actually take longer naps without waking up every 15-20 min. This morning she slept for 2.5 hours YAY! Capri just turned 5 months old so she could be growing out of her fussy stage, but I know I couldn't have gotten through these last few months with out the help of Marc. I sure love my delightful baby.